
Top Cybersecurity Trends for 2022

Top Cybersecurity Trends for 2022
Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-typing-writing-macbook-865111/

Risk and security executives are facing a critical and precarious juncture as organizations’ digital footprint continues to expand and centralized control in cybersecurity becomes obsolete. Digital business and hybrid work processes within the cloud platforms may have their advantages, but they’ve also presented new risks. Concurrently, the continuous attacks on digital supply chains, increasingly sophisticated ransomware, and embedded vulnerabilities are exposing skills shortages and technological gaps. While cybersecurity software and VPNs can help, more is needed.

These disruptions have compound effects and aren’t merely isolated instances. To ensure that these concerns are addressed accordingly, the chief information security officers mustn’t just work to prevent breaches but become strategists who can manage cyber-related risks. And by being aware of current cybersecurity trends, you can address existing risks while preparing for new threats.

Surface attack expansion
Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/hand-keyboard-typing-laptop-4571729/

Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/office-business-accountant-620822/

Surface attack expansion

At least sixty percent of all knowledge workers perform their duties remotely, and a considerable number of those are unlikely to return back to their offices. The reason for this is the level of efficiency it offers over the traditional approach of engaging in tasks in the workplace. And these changes, alongside greater cloud computing use, increasingly connected chains of supply, and dependency on cyber-physical systems, are introducing new surface attack expansion.

As a result, organizations have become more susceptible to attacks than ever before. Therefore, security leaders are recommended to go beyond conventional approaches when it comes to security detection, response, and monitoring to manage a range of different risks better.

System defense identification

Identity systems have been under fire from sustained attacks. One of the most common methods of attackers to gain unauthorized access to specific systems and reach their objectives is through credential misuse. In many cases, they can infiltrate their target network using the credentials of those with privileged access. Because of this, having consolidated solutions for defending identity systems is not only helpful but necessary in the long term.

Vendor consolidation

The convergence of security products was inevitable. After all, the consolidation of security functions in a single platform while introducing licensing and pricing options makes their packaged solutions much more attractive. While this approach isn’t without its fair share of challenges like reducing negotiating power or the potential for a single failure point, many consider consolidation to be an excellent trend that cuts costs, reduces complexity, and improves overall security, especially when paired with password management practices.

Distributed decisions

Leaders need to have agile and speedy cybersecurity functions to support their digital priorities. But as more and more areas are digitized, a centralized role in CISO is no longer enough for the job. Therefore, organizations must have CISO offices to enable better distributed cyber decisions.


Apart from the abovementioned trends, a greater emphasis on reducing human error must be a priority. In addition, more comprehensive security awareness programs, compliance-based campaigns, and cultural changes in holistic behavior are essential to ensure better and more secure methods of working are implemented within an organization.