
Telecoms Are Still Rolling Out 5G Despite The Pandemic

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5G is said to be the key that will allow technologies such as remote augmented reality training and automated factories. The equipment that is highly needed when working from home and social distancing is very relevant.

According to the senior director of Cisco for 5G architecture, Bob Everson, the demand for having 5G is greater than ever, and there’s pretty strong support around the world that is empowering increased 5G investment and development. Cisco or CSCO is a huge provider of technology and equipment utilized for 5G networks.

Physical Buildout of 5G

The majority of network operators recognized how coronavirus affected the physical Buildout of 5G networks. Resolving complicated engineering issues and installing the latest cell sites are tougher if workers are required to keep their distance from each other, and city permitting offices are not operating. Generally, the pandemic undermined the productivity of workers and slowed down the building process.

AT&T is coping with a few delays due to the coronavirus outbreak, as stated by the company spokesperson. Kyle Malady, the Chief Technology Officer of Verizon, also said during a live stream in Twitter this week how the company was already a few weeks behind in terms of the release of its 5G mobile edge computing sites. It is a significant element in the 5G strategy of Verizon.

Both companies have made it clear that the delays they’ve experienced were just minor setbacks.

5G Deployment
Image Source: https://icdn2.digitaltrends.com/image/digitaltrends/us-it-lifestyle-ces.jpg

5G Deployment

AT&T’s spokesperson discussed that their 5G deployment is now in operation, and they are expecting that this summer, 5G coverage would be accessed nationwide. Moreover, the company is planning to continue enlarging its 5G networks this year. In the first half of 2020, AT&T assured that 5G would be made available to businesses and consumers nationwide. 

Last month, Verizon guaranteed that it would increase its 5G deployment even though there was a coronavirus outbreak. It also revealed that it put up the latest virtual lab to study possible 5G applications during the time when going to a lab personally is not an option since social distancing is highly required. In addition, it released in San Diego, its high-band 5G service, which was considered as the 35th high-band network market.

Managing 5G Infra 

The Deployment in San Diego created an opportunity to study how the company can manage to create 5G infrastructures in the middle of a pandemic, Marta LaCroix, director of system performance in Verizon stated on Twitter in the previous month. Their team was committed to looking for innovative methods to test their service, even if it required them to practice social distancing and wear PPEs, as long as they were ready for the Deployment. 

In December, T-Mobile revealed its 5G network nationwide and was able to enlarge its network up to 2, 600 additional sites in the first four months of 2020. The company is building its network non-stop. It also combined Sprint networks and T-mobile.

With the help of software define networks, this pandemic couldn’t hinder telecom companies from rolling out 5G.