
Smart Beds: A High-Tech Healthcare Solution

Hospital Bed

Undoubtedly, technology has become an integral aspect of daily life we can no longer live without. It impacts nearly everything we do, whether writing a report for work or kicking back with your favorite shows on your preferred streaming services. Thus, it’s not surprising that tech drives the healthcare industry, with advances in tech leading to a cornucopia of updated and new devices with features that elevate the quality of patient care.

One such reinvention is the smart bed, which has made the standard beds obsolete and takes new functions and forms to give patients a higher level of care and safety. And this post will cover everything you need to know about this high-tech healthcare solution.

Health Wellness
Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/7PZ8Gb-pmaA

Importance of smart beds to healthcare

Injury and fall prevention continues to be a significant challenge in healthcare. It impacts old and young patients who often have to get up and out of their beds. Studies show the increased occurrence of in-patient falls during treatment. And of these incidents, many cause injuries to patients. With the risks of falls increasing, so too have they become more susceptible to injury, and to mitigate the adverse events, healthcare facilities generally employ a variety of guidelines for prevention.

Many adopt an intensive approach to ensure that fall prevention is included in their standard routine for care. More often than not, this tends to include incorporating technology into the process. For example, hospitals globally are now beginning to invest in smart beds to meet patients’ comfort and safety needs, especially during extended stays. It also empowers nurses to monitor patients more effectively, giving them updates on their physical condition. For this reason, coordinated care paired with smart technology is one of the best solutions in today’s healthcare system, even if it might lead to higher costs.

Smart beds

Beds are standard fixtures in most hospital rooms. After all, it’s where the patients spend time recuperating and recovering. Thus, it’s vital that it gets a much-needed upgrade. Through smart beds, healthcare organizations can encourage more care and engagement by helping medical practitioners monitor their patients for any concerns before they become real problems. Created and designed with safety as a priority, a couple of unique features they offer are the following:

  • Sensors – Most smart beds come with embedded sensors that alert medical professionals when patients leave their beds. They can also help in assessing the movement of patients, monitor specific vital signs, identify health patterns, and alert for potential deterioration in health.
  • Wireless connection – With wireless systems, patient signals can be sent to the hospital’s information system or nurse booths directly, and this can be incredibly useful, especially to those in the ICU.  
Pillow in Hospital
Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/MIfUp3FA5ek


The growth pattern for the hospital bed market is rising, driven primarily by the rising incidences of degenerative and chronic conditions and the need for better convenience and patient care. With the smart beds’ introduction, there’s little doubt that opportunities for growth will continue to flourish. Because of their integrated solutions to patient monitoring, assistance, and care, it’s only a matter of time before they become standard in all healthcare facilities.