
Online Protection: Cybersecurity Tips for 2022

woman typing
Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-typing-writing-macbook-865111/

Almost all aspects of our daily lives are online, whether it’s exchanging digital correspondence or internet shopping. And with the amount of information about ourselves on our preferred devices, protection against cyberattacks is necessary. To help you out, we’ve listed a few tips below that can help you enhance your cybersecurity efforts. But don’t pressure yourself to implement everything at once; the security of information is about progress and not perfection, after all.

holding smartphone
Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/hands-holding-smartphone-chatting-1853302/

Software updates

It’s a rule of thumb to update software whenever you get notified of new patches and fixes. Beyond addressing bugs in the applications or adding new features to the programs, they also address security vulnerabilities that may allow cybercriminals to breach the system and steal data. Without the essential updates, you’ll miss out on opportunities to maximize the use of the software and leave it more susceptible to attacks and infections. For these reasons, you must always keep them updated.

Password hygiene

Like personal hygiene, you must always practice password hygiene. It’s easy to take for granted and overlook, but it’s more important than you might think. After all, stolen or weak passwords are the quickest way for hackers to gain access to your system. The good news is that it’s not hard to do. For starters, try to use twelve or more characters and mix them up with symbols and numbers. This way, cybercriminals will be harder to crack your password.

Additionally, it’s ill-advised to use any personal information as a part of your access control. It’s also a good idea to avoid storing your credentials in any password managers because you’ll only increase your risks of a breach if you do.

Virtual private networks

Public WiFi connections are a convenient way of going online, especially if you’re out of the house. However, they’re also not secure. When you’re on public networks, hackers can see your online activities and the IP address of your device. Avoiding these unsecured connections isn’t an option, so it makes sense to use a VPN instead, especially when using a smartphone. Virtual private networks can encrypt your connection and render it invisible to prying eyes so you can browse safely.

But its benefits don’t stop there. Apart from protecting your online privacy, a VPN also allows you to access any geo-locked material that you may not be able to access locally. It can also help you steer clear of any throttling by your internet service provider. So get yourself a hotspot VPN if you can.

Website authenticity

Lastly, it’s always good standard practice to check whether or not a website is authentic or legitimate. With so many disreputable websites out there, it’s easy to get scammed and hacked. And taking a minute or so to see whether or not you should visit a specific site can save you a lot of trouble later on.

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/laptop-human-hands-keyboard-typing-820274/


Data breaches, malicious software, and many other types of cyberattacks can cost you a lot of time and money. Thus, avoiding them altogether from the outset is always the better approach, and the tips above should help you do so.