
Emerging Technologies in Healthcare in 2022

Emerging Technologies in Healthcare in 2022
Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/NFvdKIhxYlU

Technology in the healthcare sector has advanced since the inception of stethoscopes and eyeglasses. With the broader and more accessible mobile internet connection, aging worldwide population, and continued expansion of the well-to-do middle-class driving changes in the industry, its associated technology has begun to evolve faster than ever. In fact, by 2030, research suggests time spent on the learning and using advanced tech may increase by at least fifty percent.

With that said, we’ll talk about some of the newest technologies that those in the field of medicine should be aware of. Continue reading if you want to learn more.

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/stethoscope-doctor-health-hospital-4280497/

Remote monitoring

Thanks to remote monitoring, medical professionals are able to gain insight into patient health and wellness, even without being in close proximity. This comes with many benefits, ranging from quicker response time, significant expense reductions, and better patient care and outcome. It also goes well alongside telemedicine to minimize the need to travel. And this is especially important these days as it limits potential exposure to the coronavirus.

Some technologies that can aid healthcare providers in monitoring their patients remotely are blood pressure cuffs, glucometers, pulse oximeters, and wearable activity monitoring and trackers.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence technologies take on various forms in the healthcare sector. And one of the growing AI trends is the use of machine learning to collect and evaluate considerable volumes of patient information and other data. With tailored algorithms, developers can create programs that will be able to mimic the way people think and perform actions, such as learning and making decisions.

While this may not necessarily mean that sentient robots will begin shouldering the responsibilities associated with medical care, it’ll enable doctors to deliver a higher standard of care for their patients. Moreover, it’ll lessen their load addressing administrative tasks, preventing physician burnout and allowing them to focus more on the practice of medicine.

Digital therapeutics

Patients suffering from chronic diseases generally need ongoing care, medication adjustment, education, behavioral changes, and symptom monitoring. As a result, many incur high costs and can be more time-consuming. Thanks to digital therapeutics, medical practitioners and patients can avoid these problems. Digital therapeutics essentially refers to software programs that patients can access through their mobile devices or computers that contain prescriptions by their doctors.

Patients can communicate with and be updated by their physicians without constantly visiting the hospital or clinics. In many ways, it enables doctors to look after their patients remotely without seeing them regularly, help them spot potential problems earlier, and schedule appointments when needed.

Mental health technologies

Lastly, many new technologies have risen to help address mental health concerns. While the majority of assessments and treatments still require completion from a clinician, specific tools can help patients improve their emotional well-being between appointments, such as apps and even video games.

Mental health technologies
Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/stethoscope-medical-health-doctor-2617701/


Technology continues to impact many industries, and the healthcare sector is no exception. Remote monitoring, artificial intelligence, and digital therapeutics are just some of the many technologies that are increasingly becoming commonplace in the industry, and the trend is likely to continue as newer tech is introduced, making everything more straightforward and more effective for doctors and patients alike.