
3 7: Posting to the General Ledger Business LibreTexts

It follows that the sum of debits and the sum of the credits must be equal in value. Double-entry bookkeeping is not a guarantee that no errors have been made—for example, the wrong ledger account may have been debited or credited, or the entries completely reversed. A trial balance also uncovers errors in journalizing and posting and is useful in preparing financial statements. SequentiallyAccount-wiseDebit and CreditColumnsSidesNarrationMustNot necessary.BalancingNeed not to be balanced.Must be balanced.

  1. Primary accounting, or posting, is the initial stage of system perception of registration in the book of individual operations that characterize economic processes and phenomena occurring in the organization.
  2. In today’s digital age with computerized accounting systems, the posting process often happens simultaneously with the recording of the transaction.
  3. Double-entry accounting is required for companies building out all three major financial statements, the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.
  4. In U.S. GAAP, there are two primary models for determining if consolidation is required due to a controlling financial interest.

And how can accounting professionals stay up to date with GAAP standards? GAAP has evolved over the years, but its roots date back to the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the subsequent Great Depression. It was thought that shady financial reporting practices by some publicly-traded entities caused (or partly caused) the financial calamities. Acting on this suspicion, the federal government worked with the accounting profession to make a change by standardizing financial reporting and establishing best practices.

While the number of entries might differ, the recording process does not. For example, Colfax might purchase food items in one large quantity at the beginning of each month, payable by the end of the month. Therefore, it might only have a few accounts payable and inventory journal entries each month. Larger grocery chains might have multiple deliveries a week, and multiple entries for purchases from a variety of vendors on their accounts payable weekly.

Posting From Journal to Ledger

Modern computer programs allow you to correctly prepare the necessary and important reports in a short time. Within the established time frame, warehouse managers and Department managers submit these reports to the organization’s accounting department. This type holds the category for lifeless things or relating to assets/ properties like machinery, land etc. The rule applied is to debit what comes in and credit what goes out. Further elaborated states that credit the things that go out while debit the ones that come to the company.

Posting to the ledgerThe classifying phase of accounting

A general ledger contains accounts that are broad in nature such as Cash, Accounts Receivable, Supplies, and so on. It consists of accounts within accounts (i.e., specific accounts that make up a broad account). During his testimony he said McLaughlin had “manipulated the cash account” and that “what he was doing was still wrong”.

In this process, all adjusting entries to the various subledgers and general journal must be made, after which their contents are posted to the general ledger. It is customary at this point to set a lock-out flag in the accounting software, so that no additional changes to the subledgers and journals can be made for the accounting period being closed. Access to the subledgers and journals is then opened for the next accounting period. It consists of the date, the name of accounts affected LF note (that tells the page number of the ledger), debit and credit amounts.

What is the role of cash posting?

On a trial balance worksheet, all the debit balances form the left column, and all the credit balances form the right column, with the account titles placed to the far left of the two columns. A trial balance tells the company its unadjusted balances in each account. The unadjusted trial balance is then carried forward to the fifth step for testing and analysis. Companies may also choose between single-entry accounting vs. double-entry accounting. Double-entry accounting is required for companies building out all three major financial statements, the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

You notice there is already a credit in Accounts Payable, and the new record is placed directly across from the January 5 record. In the last column of the Cash ledger account is the running balance. This shows where the account stands after each transaction, as well as the final balance in the account.

If the total debits equal the total credits, the trial balance is considered to be balanced, and there should be no mathematical errors in the ledgers. The video provides a clear description of where in the accounting cycle posting occurs. As stated earlier, posting is recording in the ledger accounts the information contained in the journal.

What are the main principles of the GAAP framework?

It gives companies more visibility into the cash available at hand for business activities and also instantly releases credit for customers who have paid their dues, giving them a better experience. The next step includes posting in accounting calculating the overall figures of both sides ( debit and credit) for each ledger account. Let’s say a company has $3,000 worth of rent expenses per month that needs to be posted for the annual general ledger.

A subsidiary ledger would contain details of the rent expenses, including a line item per month debited in “Rent” and credited in “Accounts Payable”. This is posted to the Cash T-account on the credit side beneath the January 18 transaction. This is placed on the debit side of the Salaries Expense T-account. We now return to our company example of Printing Plus, Lynn Sanders’ printing service company. We will analyze and record each of the transactions for her business and discuss how this impacts the financial statements.

When posting the general journal, the date used in the ledger accounts is the date the transaction was recorded in the journal, not the date the journal entry was posted to the ledger accounts. In contrast to the two-sided T-account, the three-column ledger card format has columns for debit, credit, balance, and item description. The three-column form ledger card has the advantage of showing the balance of the account after each item has been posted. It is very important for you to understand the debit and credit rules for each account type or you may not calculate the balance correctly.

How do we know on which side, debit or credit, to input each of these balances? The following are selected journal entries from Printing Plus that affect the Cash account. We will use the Cash ledger account to calculate account balances. Another example is a liability account, such as Accounts Payable, which increases on the credit side and decreases on the debit side. If there were a $4,000 credit and a $2,500 debit, the difference between the two is $1,500.